D-Kart Spotlights: AGENDA 2025

D-Kart Spotlights: AGENDA 2025

The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (now: BMWK) has presented an ambitious competition policy agenda (you can find it here). It is a guideline for the competition policy of the legislative period, a preview of the next GWB amendment and of goals to be advocated at the European level.

In the agenda, the BMWK emphasises that a modern competition policy can only be developed in a participatory process. That is why we at D’Kart would like to initiate the discussion and create a platform for ideas within the antitrust community on the blog.

In the coming weeks, experts from academia and practice will present their views on the Agenda 2025: blog-typically short, precise and to the point. What is particularly interesting? What should the BMWK tackle as soon as possible? What should better be left untouched? What is missing?

The first Spotlights will be shone by the three HHU Professors Kersting, Meyer-Lindemann and Podszun. All contributions can be found here:

All contributions are also available in English. To do so, simply change the language of the blog in the top right-hand corner.

Alexander Kirk, Philipp Offergeld and Tristan Rohner from the chair of Prof. Dr. Rupprecht Podszun hope you enjoy the series!

One thought on “D-Kart Spotlights: AGENDA 2025

  1. In der Agenda betont das BMWK, dass eine zeitgemäße Wettbewerbspolitik nur in einem partizipativen Prozess entstehen kann. Gilt auch für Kartellverfahren im einzelnen

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