Antitrust Advent Calendar 2023

Antitrust Advent Calendar 2023

This is the D’Kart Antitrust Advent Calendar 2023! 

Every day in the run-up to Christmas we will open a new door for you with a question to answer. This is competition, you know, you have to perform! To help you with the answers, we generated pictures illustrating 24 key moments of the year. Since we are really cutting-edge here at Düsseldorf (and you do not expect anything less, we know) we used Artificial Intelligence to create the pictures. The magics of AI will certainly help you to remember what was going on in courts and conferences, in agencies and arenas. Sometimes, we give you the prompts we used. That will definitely make you wonder…

Take some tea, have some cookies and enjoy the D’Kart Antitrust Advent Calendar 2023!

All the best to you – the team of the D’Kart blog:

Rupprecht Podszun, Philipp Offergeld and the team at the Institute for Competition Law at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

door-Day 1
door-Day 2
door-Day 3
door-Day 4
door-Day 5
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door-Day 8
door-Day 9
door-Day 10
door-Day 11
door-Day 12
door-Day 13
door-Day 14
door-Day 15
door-Day 16
door-Day 17
door-Day 18
door-Day 19
door-Day 20
door-Day 20
door-Day 21
door-Day 22
door-Day 23
door-Day 24

One thought on “Antitrust Advent Calendar 2023

  1. Excellent depiction of anti trust. I teach Anti trust to my law students and we can think of collaborating in the future. Merry Christmas !

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