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Tag: Monopolkommission

Conference Debriefing (41): 50 Years of the German Monopolies Commission

Conference Debriefing (41): 50 Years of the German Monopolies Commission

Happy Birthday, Monopolies Commission! The “Monopolkommission” has been advising the German government on competition matters for 50 years now. The competition community came together in Berlin to party. And what better way to celebrate the “defender of competition” than with what makes it special: Intense debate and “critical discourse”. Unfortunately, the birthday presents did not include political promises of implementation, but the party offered high-ranking recognition and surprising insights. Sebastian Steinert reports. This is a translation from the original German…

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Monopolies Commission: Competition 2020

Monopolies Commission: Competition 2020

The Monopolies Commission advises the German Government on competition policy issues. Today it presented its 23rd main report – each time a source of impulses and ideas for antitrust law. For the D’Kart-Blog, Dr. Klaus Holthoff-Frank, the Secretary General of this independent body, gives an overview of what the Monopolies Commission has made the subject of its deliberations this time. What are the topics? The Monopolies Commission sees competition in Germany and Europe currently threatened by three developments in particular:…

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If the D’Kart newsletter comes exceptionally on a pre-Christmas Sunday, it’s for a good reason. To wish you a pleasant Sunday, to remind you of looking at the entries in the 2019 Antitrust Advent Calendar and for the purpose of literary criticism: a very well-known colleague has published a novel (in German), and you rightly want to know what it is like on the day of publication. Rupprecht Podszun read it for you. And since you are not going to…

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SSNIPpets (35): Fall of the Wall

SSNIPpets (35): Fall of the Wall

This weekend, Germany celebrated the fall of the Berlin Wall 30 years ago. A day of freedom – and also a day that gave the go-ahead for the introduction of the market economy in the Eastern part of Germany. The road to competition was not easy to take. Somewhere in Western Germany, Rupprecht Podszun celebrated the day so that SSNIPpets were delayed… here they are now, the small but significant news, information and pleasantries – our pet project! An open…

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Ministerial approval Miba/Zollern: A green industrial policy for medium-sized companies

Ministerial approval Miba/Zollern: A green industrial policy for medium-sized companies

Alea iacta est. Peter Altmaier has decided. Miba and Zollern may merge by ministerial approval. But: only under certain conditions. Maximilian Konrad took a closer look at the decision of the German Federal Minister of Economics published on 19 August 2019. A ministerial approval for medium-sized companies – what was going on again? Looking back you certainly remember (D’Kart reported here and here): The Austrian Miba AG and the Baden-Württemberg-based Zollern GmbH & Co. KG want to merge their business…

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SSNIPpets (15) – heute ohne Rücktritt

SSNIPpets (15) – heute ohne Rücktritt

Das Wochenende kommt. Und also haben wir wieder in den Nachrichten der letzten Zeit gestöbert, um unseren geneigten Leserinnen und Lesern den Übergang ins Wochenende zu erleichtern. Wer sich schon Sorgen machte, wo die SSNIPpets in den letzten Wochen blieben – Rupprecht Podszun hat nicht seinen Rücktritt erklärt. Das hat ja nicht einmal Jogi Löw! Hier sind die SSNIPpets – small, but significant news, information and pleasantries – our pet project.   We shall never surrender Unter den Nicht-Rücktritten der…

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SSNIPpets (14) – heute mit spiced ham

SSNIPpets (14) – heute mit spiced ham

Das Wochenende kommt. Und also haben wir wieder in den Nachrichten der letzten Zeit gestöbert, um unseren geneigten Leserinnen und Lesern den Übergang ins Wochenende zu erleichtern. Rupprecht Podszun hat in der DSGVO-veranlassten Mailflut zur Verlängerung von Newsletterabonnements versucht, gewürzten Schinken (vulgo: Spam) von echten News zu unterscheiden. Hier tischt er die SSNIPpets auf – small, but significant news, information and pleasantries – our pet project. Bacon and eggs Was sind die wesentlichen wirtschaftspolitischen Nachrichten dieser Tage? Man ist versucht,…

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