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Tag: Ascola

Conference Debriefing (42): 19th Annual Conference of ASCOLA

Conference Debriefing (42): 19th Annual Conference of ASCOLA

More than 150 competition law scholars from around the world gathered in Würzburg to celebrate their job choice – could it be any better than being an academic dealing with the hottest topic on earth? This was the Annual Conference of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA). D’Kart interviewed Rupprecht Podszun, the chairman of ASCOLA, to get a conference debriefing. Here are his insights on trends in antitrust research, German embarrassment, the winner of the best paper award, new…

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Conference Debriefing (36): ASCOLA 2023

Conference Debriefing (36): ASCOLA 2023

PDF version: Click here Suggested Citation: Bostoen/Karg/Thepot, DKartJ 2023, 61 ASCOLA is the Academic Society for Competition Law, the global organization that brings together scholars from all over the world once a year. This year, antitrust professors and their future successors met in Athens (Greece) for the three days Olympics of Competition Law Scholarship. Herbert Hovenkamp was there – and so were Friso Bostoen (Tilburg), Madlen Karg (TU Munich) and Florence Thepot (Strasbourg). The three youngish scholars share their insights and photos here in this…

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Conference Debriefing (31): ASCOLA2022

Conference Debriefing (31): ASCOLA2022

It is this time of the year when antitrust folks from around the world flood the airports and cause major disruptions in air travel. The reason is: They are all on the move to the next most exciting conference. Rupprecht Podszun attended #ASCOLA2022, the Annual Conference of the Academic Society for Competition Law that took place as an in-person event in Porto, Portugal. He answers the main questions in this Conference Debriefing! Name of event: 17th Annual Conference of ASCOLA (Academic Society for…

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Conference Debriefing (25): ASCOLA2021

Conference Debriefing (25): ASCOLA2021

For three days in a row, Rupprecht Podszun sat through the Annual Conference of ASCOLA, the Academic Society for Competition Law – a scholars-only event where research on antitrust is on display. Yes, he does that voluntarily, but he also serves as the Vice President of this organisation, so read his debrief with care. He tells you about the big ideas, the big names and the small stories of this conference. Name of the event: 16th Annual Conference of the Academic Society…

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Conference Debriefing (20): ASCOLA2020

Conference Debriefing (20): ASCOLA2020

The Academic Society for Competition Law, ASCOLA, regularly brings together the academics who research and teach in the area of competition – even this year! Instead of going to lovely Porto, however, the community of antitrust aficionados met in a three-day-Zoom-conference. Rupprecht Podszun was one of the hosts. He is the Ascola Vice President, and defying all journalistic ethics, he interviews himself here and gives his personal conference debrief for the readers of D’Kart. Thankfully, less biased Friso Bostoen shares…

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Conference Debriefing (11): ASCOLA Conference, Aix-en-Provence, June 2019

Conference Debriefing (11): ASCOLA Conference, Aix-en-Provence, June 2019

This was the hottest conference you could possibly imagine in antitrust. Literally: 42 degrees Celsius in Aix-en-Provence when ASCOLA met. ASCOLA is the Academic Society for Competition Law – it is the organisation where antitrust researchers from around the world meet once a year to explain to each other what they found out. Rupprecht Podszun was cooked (if not grilled) there, too. Here is his Conference Debriefing! Name of Conference: 14th ASCOLA Conference Location: Université Aix-Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, France Host: ASCOLA,…

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In Ascola-la-land: Scholarly trends in antitrust law

In Ascola-la-land: Scholarly trends in antitrust law

This year marked the beginning of the end of competition. Or so, the rock stars of the antitrust community said. They had a gig at one of my most favourite conferences: The Ascola Conference. Ascola is the Academic Society for Competition Law organising one big conference a year in different places, and its USP is that it only admits fans of competition law or economics who are in academia. (I am on the board of this lovely association, so there…

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