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PDF-Version: Click here Suggested Citation: Podszun, DKartJ 2024, 7-13 The Digital Markets Act shows its teeth: The European Commission opened the first investigations for non-compliance against Apple, Alphabet and Meta. Rupprecht Podszun reports on the first 20 days of DMA razzle-dazzle. He also looks back at the Bundeskartellamt’s Berlin IKK conference and he has some news from his Chair that he wishes to share. Breathtaking If DMA enforcement keeps up its March-marching pace I voluntarily switch my interest to a…

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Conference Debriefing (30): IKK & ICN

Conference Debriefing (30): IKK & ICN

It was the World Festival of Competition Law: Representatives of competition agencies came together in Berlin to celebrate two consecutive conferences: The traditional Bundeskartellamt’s International Cartel Conference (IKK) and the Annual Meeting of the International Competition Network (ICN). Most everyone was there, and so was Rupprecht Podszun who gives his Conference Debriefing here. Name of Event: XXI. Internationale Kartellkonferenz & 21st ICN Annual Conference Topic: “We are family!” – Okay, that was not the official topic, but it had a…

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Conference Debriefing (28): “Data Access for Service Providers”

Conference Debriefing (28): “Data Access for Service Providers”

Who has access to data? This has become a key question of the digital economy, which increasingly concerns industry and trade. There is a danger that individual data monopolists will decide on access to customers and opportunities in competition. Rupprecht Podszun’s team has taken a close look at the issue and – together with the Ministries of Justice and Economic Affairs of Northrhine-Westphalia – invited participants to an online workshop. Clemens Pfeifer reports. For the recording of the entire event…

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Facebook @ BGH

Facebook @ BGH

The German Federal Supreme Court has ruled against Facebook and in favour of the Bundeskartellamt, the German competition authority, in preliminary proceedings on a leading competition/data case. This goes into the heart of Facebook’s business model. For the Bundeskartellamt, it is the most important case in the era of the data economy. The decision is, at the very least, a surprise. Rupprecht Podszun has first thoughts on it. You may read this post in German, too, by switching the language…

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Conference Debriefing (17): Antitrust in Times of Upheaval – CRA 2019

Conference Debriefing (17): Antitrust in Times of Upheaval – CRA 2019

The conference circuit picked up speed again now that the end of this remarkable year is near. We were not able to attend everything out there but obviously if catering promises to be good Rupprecht Podszun is never too far – and so here is his Conference Debriefing from Woodstock! Name of Conference: Antitrust in Times of Upheaval Place & Time: Steigenberger Wiltcher’s Brussels, 10 December 2019 Host: CRA, the economic consultancy, but really it is The Cristina Caffarra Show…

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Facebook vs. Bundeskartellamt

Facebook vs. Bundeskartellamt

The Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court has decided the Facebook case in interim proceedings. This did not turn out well for the Bundeskartellamt, and high-flying hopes that digital markets can be regulated with courageous antitrust decisions have thus been dampened. Here are some thoughts by Rupprecht Podszun. Bitter. That was the word that first came to my mind when I learned about the decision of the Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Düsseldorf regarding Facebook. Bitter for the people at the Bundeskartellamt, the Federal Cartel…

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Conference Debriefing (11): ASCOLA Conference, Aix-en-Provence, June 2019

Conference Debriefing (11): ASCOLA Conference, Aix-en-Provence, June 2019

This was the hottest conference you could possibly imagine in antitrust. Literally: 42 degrees Celsius in Aix-en-Provence when ASCOLA met. ASCOLA is the Academic Society for Competition Law – it is the organisation where antitrust researchers from around the world meet once a year to explain to each other what they found out. Rupprecht Podszun was cooked (if not grilled) there, too. Here is his Conference Debriefing! Name of Conference: 14th ASCOLA Conference Location: Université Aix-Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, France Host: ASCOLA,…

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Conference–Debriefing (9): 10. GWB-Novelle – Macht digitaler Plattformen begrenzen

Conference–Debriefing (9): 10. GWB-Novelle – Macht digitaler Plattformen begrenzen

Es gibt einen Buzzzzz in Berlin. Den gibt es immer, aber jetzt gibt es ihn für die 10. GWB-Novelle, die in den Hinterzimmern entsprechend vorwärts getrieben wird. In Berlin traf sich auf Einladung der Grünen Bundestagsfraktion nun eine illustre Runde, um über ein digitales Kartellrecht zu diskutieren. Lucas Gasser, Doktorand bei Professor Rupprecht Podszun, berichtet. Art der Veranstaltung: Fachgespräch der Bundestagsfraktion von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Ort & Zeit: Regierungsviertel, Berlin-Mitte, 8. Mai 2019 Gastgeber: Die Bundestagsfraktion von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen,…

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ABA Antitrust Spring Meeting 2019 – The take-away messages

ABA Antitrust Spring Meeting 2019 – The take-away messages

The Antitrust Spring Meeting of the American Bar Association (ABA) is often seen as the most important meeting of antitrust lawyers – even though it happens to take place in a jurisdiction that is not really at the forefront of enforcement at present. This time, the ABA meeting took place for the 67th time and it again drew a wow-crowd to Washington D.C. D’Kart asked nine distinguished participants for their “key take-away message” in one sentence. Well, since there was…

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Conference Debriefing (7): International Competition Conference Berlin

Conference Debriefing (7): International Competition Conference Berlin

Every two years the competition community meets in Berlin upon invitation by the Bundeskartellamt. This year, the stage was set for good entertainment: Peter Altmaier, the German Minister for Economic Affairs with a taste for industrial policy, was to face Andreas Mundt and Margrethe Vestager, both of them global champions of enforcement. Yet, as Rupprecht Podszun found out, two other speakers stole the headlines. Here is his Conference Debriefing! Name of Conference: 19th International Competition Conference, known as “IKK” for…

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