Facebook Case: The Reasoning
Summary of the reasoning of the German Bundesgerichtshof’s decision in Facebook (antitrust / data).
Summary of the reasoning of the German Bundesgerichtshof’s decision in Facebook (antitrust / data).
The Bundeskartellamt’s decision on Facebook received a warm welcome by the media in Germany yesterday. Probably, our blog with Justus Haucap’s remarks was the loudest (and most profound) critical voice. Today, Rupprecht Podszun joins in to share his first thoughts on a decision that is definitely a nominee for Innovation of the Year. Dieser Text ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. Klicken Sie dazu einfach oben rechts auf die Flagge. Disclaimer first: I have not yet seen the decision. What I know about…
Germany is starting to prepare the next reform of its competition law. The first step in the process (expected to take up to two years) was to commission a study by renowned professors on the need to reform the norms on abusive practices. The study was presented to Peter Altmaier, Minister of Economic Affairs in Germany, on 4 September 2018. Rupprecht Podszun flipped through the 173 pages and gives a first impression of what lies ahead. Whenever I think…
Google Android is talk of the town in Competitionopolis. While the decision in full has not yet been published by the European Commission, it is obvious that it will shape our understanding of Art. 102 TFEU. D’Kart asked Anna Huttenlauch to share her thoughts on the legal aspects known so far of the Commission’s pre-summer-break-mega-case 2018, and – lucky us! – she accepted to comment. One year after the European Commission fined Google €2.4 billion for abusing its dominance in…
After Fan Wu gave a first introduction to the Google decision here, we continue our blogging on the “mother of all antitrust battles” today with three first comments: An economist, Justus Haucap from DICE, and two lawyers, Christian Kersting and Rupprecht Podszun from the University of Düsseldorf, give us their first impressions on the Google case. Please bear in mind that none of them has yet read the decision – the Commission is currently blackening trade secrets of the companies…