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Category: Conference Debriefings

Conference Debriefing (42): 19th Annual Conference of ASCOLA

Conference Debriefing (42): 19th Annual Conference of ASCOLA

More than 150 competition law scholars from around the world gathered in Würzburg to celebrate their job choice – could it be any better than being an academic dealing with the hottest topic on earth? This was the Annual Conference of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA). D’Kart interviewed Rupprecht Podszun, the chairman of ASCOLA, to get a conference debriefing. Here are his insights on trends in antitrust research, German embarrassment, the winner of the best paper award, new…

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Conference Debriefing (41): 50 Years of the German Monopolies Commission

Conference Debriefing (41): 50 Years of the German Monopolies Commission

Happy Birthday, Monopolies Commission! The “Monopolkommission” has been advising the German government on competition matters for 50 years now. The competition community came together in Berlin to party. And what better way to celebrate the “defender of competition” than with what makes it special: Intense debate and “critical discourse”. Unfortunately, the birthday presents did not include political promises of implementation, but the party offered high-ranking recognition and surprising insights. Sebastian Steinert reports. This is a translation from the original German…

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Conference Debriefing (40): Studienvereinigung Working Session 2023

Conference Debriefing (40): Studienvereinigung Working Session 2023

PDF Version: Click here Suggested Citation: Weichbrodt, DKartJ 2023, 116-120 The annual conference of the Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht took place in Bonn on 7 December 2023. Once again this year, the focus was on the major and minor problems of competition law, on looking back and looking forward, but also on the love of the local press – and very specific tastes in the Bundeskartellamt. Johannes Weichbrodt reports. Traditions are as much a part of Christmas as the star on the fir tree….

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Conference Debriefing (39): International Competition Network 2023

Conference Debriefing (39): International Competition Network 2023

PDF-Version: Click here Suggested Citation: Podszun, DKartJ 2023, 81-86 What do competition law enforcers actually talk about when they meet? We sent Rupprecht Podszun to listen in at the International Competition Network’s Annual Conference, this year in Barcelona. Here is his conference debriefing in the form of an interview, revealing – inter alia – missing film titles, a funny misunderstanding and a new topic for antitrust enforcement. Name of the event: Annual Meeting of the International Competition Network (ICN) Place &…

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Conference Debriefing (38): Professors go Kartellamt

Conference Debriefing (38): Professors go Kartellamt

PDF-Version: Click here Suggested Citation: Podszun, DKartJ 2023, 76-81 What place does economics have in competition law – and especially in abuse of dominance cases? When this question is discussed in Germany, good entertainment is guaranteed. The Bundeskartellamt, the Federal Cartel Office, is not exactly notorious globally for its more economic approach. It invited the German-speaking antitrust world to the debate. The whole antitrust world? No, lawyers from law firms and companies were left out. But Rupprecht Podszun was there…

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Conference Debriefing (37): 6. Offenes Doktorandenseminar

Conference Debriefing (37): 6. Offenes Doktorandenseminar

PDF-Version: Hier klicken Zitiervorschlag: Bukpiev/Zwilling, DKartJ 2023, 67-70 Auch dieses Jahr lud das Institut für Kartellrecht (IKartR) der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf zum kartellrechtlichen Doktorandenseminar. Am 11. und 12. September versammelten sich zahlreiche Namen aus der Kartellrechts-Community für einen fachlichen Austausch. Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz schwärmten voller Vorfreude nach Düsseldorf, wo sie ein spannendes Programm erwartete. Karl Bukpiev und Moritz Zwilling berichten. Der erste der beiden Tage begann dabei direkt mit einem Highlight: Nach einigen (bei dem Wetter vielleicht zu) warmen Begrüßungsworten…

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Conference Debriefing (36): ASCOLA 2023

Conference Debriefing (36): ASCOLA 2023

PDF version: Click here Suggested Citation: Bostoen/Karg/Thepot, DKartJ 2023, 61 ASCOLA is the Academic Society for Competition Law, the global organization that brings together scholars from all over the world once a year. This year, antitrust professors and their future successors met in Athens (Greece) for the three days Olympics of Competition Law Scholarship. Herbert Hovenkamp was there – and so were Friso Bostoen (Tilburg), Madlen Karg (TU Munich) and Florence Thepot (Strasbourg). The three youngish scholars share their insights and photos here in this…

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Conference Debriefing (36): EU Competition Conference

Conference Debriefing (36): EU Competition Conference

PDF Version: Click here Suggested citation: Kirk/Bongartz, DKartJ 2023, 36 There are two types of visitors to Brussels: some spend Thursday evening on the Plux, marvelling at the view of the spectacularly illuminated Grand-Place and return home sleep-deprived with Belgian chocolates in their trunks. The others spend their time at conferences, absorbing the thoughts of the stars of the antitrust community and dreaming of the more economic approach on the way back in the red cushions of the Hogwarts Express Thalys. The…

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Conference Debriefing (35): FIW Symposium Innsbruck

Conference Debriefing (35): FIW Symposium Innsbruck

 PDF Version: Click here Suggested Citation: Haucap, DKartJ 2023, 11-13 Those who are not part of the antitrust family in the DACH region will certainly associate the Tyrolean capital Innsbruck primarily with the Alps and winter sports and perhaps also think of the fantastic adventures of the spaceship Orion, whose protagonist, Major Cliff Allister McLane, was impersonated by actor Dietmar Schönherr, one of the prominent sons of the city of Innsbruck. Friends of antitrust law and competition economics, on the…

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Conference Debriefing (34): Working (!) Session of the Studienvereinigung

Conference Debriefing (34): Working (!) Session of the Studienvereinigung

On 8 December, the Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht, the legendary group of German-speaking competition lawyers, met for its working session in Bonn. This year, the traditional meet-and-greet with prominent figures from the nearby Federal Cartel Office and also from far away Berlin was dominated by the German reform projects. Dr. Sascha Dethof reports. “Working session”, “there is work to be done today”, “this will be a real working session” – Chairman Ingo Brinker (Gleiss Lutz) made it clear in his introduction that he expected…

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