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Author: Rupprecht Podszun

Conference Debriefing (31): ASCOLA2022

Conference Debriefing (31): ASCOLA2022

It is this time of the year when antitrust folks from around the world flood the airports and cause major disruptions in air travel. The reason is: They are all on the move to the next most exciting conference. Rupprecht Podszun attended #ASCOLA2022, the Annual Conference of the Academic Society for Competition Law that took place as an in-person event in Porto, Portugal. He answers the main questions in this Conference Debriefing! Name of event: 17th Annual Conference of ASCOLA (Academic Society for…

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Conference Debriefing (30): IKK & ICN

Conference Debriefing (30): IKK & ICN

It was the World Festival of Competition Law: Representatives of competition agencies came together in Berlin to celebrate two consecutive conferences: The traditional Bundeskartellamt’s International Cartel Conference (IKK) and the Annual Meeting of the International Competition Network (ICN). Most everyone was there, and so was Rupprecht Podszun who gives his Conference Debriefing here. Name of Event: XXI. Internationale Kartellkonferenz & 21st ICN Annual Conference Topic: “We are family!” – Okay, that was not the official topic, but it had a…

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AGENDA 2025: “Taking Ordnungspolitik seriously”

AGENDA 2025: “Taking Ordnungspolitik seriously”

This article is part of the D’Kart Spotlights: AGENDA 2025, in which experts from academia and practice comment on aspects of the Competition Policy Agenda presented by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The contributions already published can be found here. The Competition Policy Agenda of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action begins with a great sentence, a reference to „Ordnungspolitik” [regulatory policy], the German ordoliberal style of economic policy. Rupprecht Podszun consulted Walter Eucken again on…

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SSNIPpets (47): Voilà – le DMA!

SSNIPpets (47): Voilà – le DMA!

Finally. The Digital Markets Act #DMA is here! Rupprecht Podszun has not yet seen the little sister of EU antitrust law, but he has seen the rather proud parents at the press conference. Plus, he has comments on the war in Ukraine and courts doing their job well or not so well. Here are his SSNIPpets – small but significant news, information and pleasantries – our pet project! On the war In other times, this would have been big news:…

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Conference Debriefing (29): The DMA, Inside and Beyond

Conference Debriefing (29): The DMA, Inside and Beyond

  Trilogue negotiations at Brussels on the Digital Markets Act are coming to an end, or so we believe – a final compromise is expected at the end of this month. While waiting for words to dissect, scholars from France and Germany met in Aix-en-Provence to discuss “The DMA, Inside and Beyond”. Rupprecht Podszun, who currently serves as a Visiting Professor at the largest law faculty of the French speaking world (that is l’Université Aix-Marseille) gives us the details in…

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SSNIPpets (47): Dinner is served

SSNIPpets (47): Dinner is served

There is a lot to catch up on before the new year really gets going. Rupprecht Podszun, however, has once again only written down very subjectively what he came across in the last few weeks. Today it’s about Section 19a of the German Competition Act, the Digital Markets Act, big law firms, thin and thick books, personnel matters and access to data. Enjoy the first 2022-SSNIPpets – small but significant news, information and pleasantries – our pet project! Alphabet is…

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Antitrust Advent Calendar 2021

Antitrust Advent Calendar 2021

Indeed, dear readers, there are a lot of news out there: The European Court supports the Commission in its quest against Google. The UK CMA tells Facebook to sell Giphy. The Bundeskartellamt, in a quite different dimension, opposed the acquisition of “Ostthüringer Zeitung”, a regional newspaper in the Gera/Jena area (while we are waiting for the first section 19a-decisions). The new German “traffic lights coalition” has ambitious plans for EU and German competition law reform, now under the direction of…

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Conference Debriefing (26): WuW70

Conference Debriefing (26): WuW70

In 1951, seven years before the German competition act entered into force, WuW was founded, the oldest German competition law journal. The editors (of which our reporter is one) staged a conference in Berlin to mark the 70thanniversary – with awards, expected honoraries and unusual suspects. If you want to have an idea how these Germans think about antitrust, Rupprecht Podszun has a Conference Debriefing for you! Name of Event: “70 Years Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb – Join the Future of Competition” – it was…

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Refill: Beer Cartel (da capo)

Refill: Beer Cartel (da capo)

Hello again! The parties involved in the German beer cartel are meeting in court again. The Cartel Senate of the Federal Court of Justice called for another round by overturning an acquittal of the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court in this case in 2020. Now other judges of the Düsseldorf Court have to take up the matter. Rupprecht Podszun, who had written about the first proceedings here, has followed the new start of the trial. “We are new! Let’s start again…

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SSNIPpets (45): Fringe

SSNIPpets (45): Fringe

In the traditional summer slump, there is some time to explore the fringes of antitrust law. The grass is always greener on the other side, so Rupprecht Podszun took off his blinkers for once and feasted his eyes on the little flowers left and right. Here are his SSNIPpets – small but significant news, information and pleasantries – our pet project!   Antitrust is dead Fewer and fewer professors are doing antitrust law, at least in the US. In an…

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