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Tag: Habeck

Conference Debriefing (41): 50 Years of the German Monopolies Commission

Conference Debriefing (41): 50 Years of the German Monopolies Commission

Happy Birthday, Monopolies Commission! The “Monopolkommission” has been advising the German government on competition matters for 50 years now. The competition community came together in Berlin to party. And what better way to celebrate the “defender of competition” than with what makes it special: Intense debate and “critical discourse”. Unfortunately, the birthday presents did not include political promises of implementation, but the party offered high-ranking recognition and surprising insights. Sebastian Steinert reports. This is a translation from the original German…

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AGENDA 2025: Ministerial Authorisation Procedure: An “important element” in the “centre of economic policy”

AGENDA 2025: Ministerial Authorisation Procedure: An “important element” in the “centre of economic policy”

This article is part of the D’Kart Spotlights: AGENDA 2025, in which experts from academia and practice comment on aspects of the Competition Policy Agenda presented by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The contributions already published can be found here. The Ministerial Authorisation Procedure is always the subject of controversy and reform. The BMWK also wants to address this issue. Hans Jürgen Meyer-Lindemann sees some pitfalls in the process. The Competition Policy Agenda Until 2025 (“Competition Policy…

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Competition policy agenda of the BMWK until 2025

Competition policy agenda of the BMWK until 2025

High-ranking visitor in Bonn: The new German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Robert Habeck made his “inaugural visit” to the Federal Cartel Office in Bonn today, Monday, February 21, 2022. Habeck is the first Green minister to hold this office. He was accompanied by State Secretary Sven Giegold and Head of Department Philipp Steinberg – Giegold, a high-profile thinker of the Green Party, moved to Berlin from the European Parliament, and had previously dealt with competition policy….

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