Events in Competition Law 2019

Events in Competition Law 2019

There are not many things in life that are better than talking antitrust. And luckily, the world provides us with thousands of occasions to do so – competition law conferences, workshops and seminars are everywhere. In order for you not to miss anything, we present an Antitrust Calendar as of today with events in competition law that may be of interest to our readers. Click here, go there, listen closely, speak up – and do not forget to take off your name badge once you leave the conference venue and enter real life again.

We will add to this list over the course of time, just as we do with our list of Ph.D. thesis on competition law matters. Thus, it makes sense to return to this calendar.

Please be so kind to inform us about events that we should include. We want to be generous in what we include, but we retain the right to refuse access when we have the impression that the event is not relevant for our readers. Please exercise a sound self-assessment in this regard so that we do not need to come up with Guidelines… You can e-mail your information to: team (at)

Regarding your cartel meetings please keep posting the information here: DG Competition Whistleblower Tool. Have fun with your next conference!

26. Februar 2019Private EnforcementBrüsselKnect365
27. Februar 2019OECD Competition Open Day 2019OECD Conference Centre, Paris  OECD
28. Februar 2019EU Competition LawDublinKnect365
6. - 8. März 201952. FIW-SymposionHotel Grauer Bär, InnsbruckFIW
13. - 15. März 201919. Internationale KartellkonferenzBerlinICN
25. - 26. März 2019 11. Speyerer KartellrechtsforumUni Speyer - AulaUniv.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weiß (Leiter der Veranstaltung)
27. - 29. März 201967. ABA Antitrust Spring MeetingWashington DCAmercian Bar Association, Section for Antitrust Law
4. April 2019Forum Unternehmensrecht zum Missbrauchsverbot (mit Justus Haucap)Oeconomicum, HHU, DüsseldorfInstitut für Kartellrecht der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
25. - 26. April 2019Bergen Competition Policy Conference 2019Bergen, NorwegenBergen Center for Competition Law and Economics
30. April 2019BrüsselAmCham EU
1. Mai 2019Antitrust in the financial sectorNew YorkConcurrences, Morgan Lewis
9. Mai 2019Treffen der AG Kartellrechts-Compliancewird noch bekanntgegebenNetzwerk Compliance e.V.
10. Mai 201912th Annual Junior Competition Conference Competition Appeal Tribunal
Victoria House, Bloomsbury Place, London WC1A 2EB
Edward Elgar Publishing
15. - 17. Mai 2019
ICN Annual Conference in Colombia
Cartagena, Kolumbien
23. Mai 2019Gesprächskreis Kartellrecht: Schadensersatz Schloss Mickeln, DüsseldorfInstitut für Kartellrecht der Heinrich-Heine-Universität DüsseldorfNur auf Einladung
23. Mai 2019Competition policy: Need for a paradigm shift?LondonChatham House,600HH,O7I9SI,NIIQN,1#field-section-content-item--3
23.-25. Mai 2019Hot topics of antitrust 2019PragEuropean Competition Lawyers Association
31. Mai 2019Global Antitrust Economics ConferenceNew YorkConcurrences, NYU Stern
3. Juni 2019Conference on Competition and the Digital EconomyOECD Conference Centre, ParisOECD
3. - 4. Juni 201947. FIW-Seminar
6.-7. Juni 2019Machine Learning and AI as Business Tools: Threat or blessing for competition?LondonUEA Centre for Competition Policy
17. Juni 2019Global Private Litigation ConferenceHotel Adlon, BerlinAmerican Bar Association
21. Juni 2019Arbeitssitzung mit dem Center for the Law of Innovation and Competition (CLIC)BernStudienvereinigung Kartellrecht
26. Juni 20192. Kölner KartellrechtsgesprächeUni KölnProf. Dr. Torsten Körber, LL.M. (Berkeley)
26. Juni 2019Competition Law and Sustainability Conference 2019Sciences Po, ParisWe are Competition
27.-29. Juni 201914th Ascola ConferenceAix-en-ProvenceAcademic Society for Competition
29.-30. Juni 2019The Antitrust Enforcement SymposiumOxfordUniversity of Oxford
1. - 2. Juli 2019GCR Live 11th Annual Brussels Conference: The bigger pictureSteigenberger Wiltcher's, Avenue Louise 71, 1050, Brussels, BelgiumGlobal Competition Review
11. September 2019EU Competition Conference BrüsselCMS und Institut für Kartellrecht der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
18. - 19. September 2019
55. FIW-Akademie (vormals FIW-Ferienkurs)
23.-24. September 20193. Offenes kartellrechtliches DoktorandenseminarDüsseldorf, Haus der UniversitätInstitut für Kartellrecht der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
25. - 28. September 2019Jahrestagung 2019Frankfurt
25. Oktober 2019
Kartellrecht Summit
29. Oktober 2019Forum UnternehmensrechtDüsseldorfInstitut für Kartellrecht / Institut für Unternehmensrecht
13. - 14. November 2019
47. Brüsseler Informationstagung
15. November 20193rd Symposium on Procedural Aspects of Private Antitrust DamagesUniversität KölnUniversitäten Frankfurt, Köln & Tübingen
19. November 2019 GCR Live 4th Annual DüsseldorfDüsseldorf, Steigenberger ParkhotelGCR
10. Dezember 2019CRA Annual Brussels ConferenceBrüsselCharles River Associates

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