Greetings from Justus Haucap!
As most of us I am currently working from home, and I use my time to finish a contribution to a Festschrift. I am not supposed to say for whom, but, rather ironically, my paper deals with platform strategies to prevent multi-homing. Now looking at the CTS Eventim and Google AdSense cases in particular, but also at platform strategies more generally, no strategy appears to be as successful in preventing multi-homing as the Corona virus is, which seems to be the ultimate impediment to multi-homing where even the fiercest antitrust enforcers seem to be powerless. At least, I #stayathome.
Cheers, Justus
Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap is Director of the Duesseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf and a former chairman of the German Monopolies Commission.