Greetings from Home Office!
Do you feel it, too? Somehow you had imagined being able to work from home one day, and you thought that must be brilliant… But then you started to find out what that means: You need to do your Hamsterkauf, your children scurry around your desk and that one essential document has been left at the office. The biggest challenge, however, in our humble opinion, is a different one: We miss the direct contact with our beloved colleagues from the antitrust community!
To remedy this, D’Kart has asked some of the luminaries from the competition community to send a greeting from home (in German we call remote working “Home Office”, not to be confused with the Ministry of the Interior…). From now on, we will publish the Greetings from Home Office in loose succession here!
Stating the obvious: Stay healthy, get healthy, be in solidarity with the most vulnerable people. And: We are particularly grateful that there are many who continue to work without the privilege of working from home, especially in the health sector.
PS: Join in! We would be happy to receive your photo and greetings via e-mail to team(at)d-kart.de!
Click on the photos to get to each post
Cristina Caffarra – Silke Heinz – Gerhard Klumpe – Damien Geradin – Elisabeth Eklund – Justus Haucap – Florian Ederer – Markus Wirtz – Tilman Makatsch – Florian Haus – Juan David Gutiérrez Rodriguez – Jens-Olrik Murach
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