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Tag: Private Enforcement

Does Competition Law disappoint football fans? 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association of European Competition Law Judges (AECLJ) – 30.05. – 01.06.2024

Does Competition Law disappoint football fans? 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association of European Competition Law Judges (AECLJ) – 30.05. – 01.06.2024

The Association of European Competition Law Judges (AECLJ) met in Berlin just two weeks before the kickoff of the UEFA European Championships. The topic: “Sports, Arbitration and Competition Law”. Wolfgang Kirchhoff, the President of the AECLJ and also the president of the Cartel Chamber of Germany’s Federal Court of Justice (BGH), raised a key question: „Does Competition Law disappoint football fans?“ Philipp Eckel reports from the 22nd Annual Meeting of the AECLJ. The participants and the venue More than 120…

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Don’t You (Forget About Me)

Don’t You (Forget About Me)

PDF-Version: Click here Suggested Citation: Klumpe, DKartJ 2024, 4-6 Dr. Gerhard Klumpe, one of Germany’s best-known antitrust judges, discussed private antitrust enforcement in leading jurisdictions in Brussels. For our blog D’Kart, the presiding judge at Dortmund Regional Court describes his impressions of international trends in private enforcement. Don’t You (Forget About Me) – not only is this Simple Minds anthem familiar to anyone who grew up in the 1980s, it is also the defining music of the film The Breakfast…

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If I had a broadaxe….

If I had a broadaxe….

PDF-Version: Click here Suggested Citation: Klumpe, DKartJ 2023, 89-91 In Düsseldorf, the association of competition lawyers called “Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht” held a meeting to discuss litigation on cartel damages. Dr. Gerhard Klumpe, one of the most prolific German antitrust judges, was on the panel. Here he gives his impressions of the evening. Say, a lawyer, a competition economist and a judge meet at a bar table… when a story begins like this, we are either in for a good laugh or –…

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Das erste Urteil zum Lkw-Kartell – Auftakt nach Maß?

Das erste Urteil zum Lkw-Kartell – Auftakt nach Maß?

Das LG Hannover hat ein Grundsatzurteil zum Lkw-Kartell erlassen. Die Entscheidung ist ein erster Maßstab für die Flut von Schadensersatzklagen, mit denen die kartellbeteiligten Lkw-Hersteller von Unternehmen der Transport- und Speditionsbranche, von industriellen Verladern und Kommunen überzogen worden sind und noch werden. Unser Gastautor Rechtsanwalt Rainer Velte nimmt eine Einschätzung zu den Auswirkungen des Urteils vor.   Mit Urteil vom 18.12.2017 (Az.: 18 O 8/17, WuW 2018, 101) hat das LG Hannover als erstes Gericht in Deutschland über eine Schadensersatzklage…

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