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Tag: National Industrial Strategy 2030

In defence of tried and tested merger control

In defence of tried and tested merger control

The proposals to change European merger control, in particular with a view to paving the way for national and European champions, keep irritating the competition law community. This week, the Financial Times published an Open Letter signed by 92 practitioners from law firms and economic consultancies and academics. D’Kart documents this contribution to the debate – with thanks to Vanessa Turner who started the initiative. The recent Franco-German proposals to potentially soften and/or politicize competition enforcement in the EU continue…

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National Industrial Strategy 2030 and Competition Law – size matters?

National Industrial Strategy 2030 and Competition Law – size matters?

Germany’s National Industrial Strategy 2030 emotionalised competition experts: The proposal by the German Minister of Economic Affairs, Peter Altmaier, contains questions and answers that can be called “controversial”. On D’Kart, we continue the debate with a contribution by Johannes Persch – after economists had their say and Altmaier’s Director General Philipp Steinberg. At the beginning of February, Germany’s Minister of Economics, Peter Altmaier, presented the National Industrial Strategy 2030 (“NIS”). It’s guiding principle is „size matters“. It speaks of international…

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National Industrial Strategy 2030 – Relax, take it easy!

National Industrial Strategy 2030 – Relax, take it easy!

When Peter Altmaier, Germany’s Minister of Economics, presented his National Industrial Strategy 2030 there was uproar with competition lawyers and economists. Philipp Steinberg, one of the thought leaders in the Ministry, sets out his thoughts in D’Kart today. Dieser Text ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. Klicken Sie dazu einfach oben rechts auf die Flagge. Globalisation is a fact that Europe and all countries need to accept. Europe is a global player and has no reason to fear global competition. Competition…

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More, not less, competition is needed in Europe

More, not less, competition is needed in Europe

The prohibition of the merger between Siemens and Alstom triggered a political discussion. Do we need “European champions”? And does antitrust law possibly stand in the way of a reasonable industrial policy? Competition economists Massimo Motta from the University of Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and Martin Peitz from the University of Mannheim drafted an open letter that we publish on D’Kart today. Their plea for a competition-oriented policy was signed by numerous other renowned competition economists, including our Düsseldorf colleagues Justus Haucap,…

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