Antitrust Advent Calendar 2024
The Antitrust Advent Calendar 2024 – a tradition lives on! This year we move from Vestager to Ribera…
The Antitrust Advent Calendar 2024 – a tradition lives on! This year we move from Vestager to Ribera…
I was recently at the Higher Regional Court in Düsseldorf and followed a hearing – you may have read about it here. As we were still standing in the corridors afterwards, an employee of the Bundeskartellamt asked me whether it would be back this year… And when I recorded our podcast “Bei Anruf Wettbewerb” with Justus Haucap yesterday, he asked me on air whether it would be back this year… and both of them had anticipating eyes. And of course!…
Friends & folks around the globe, it is this time of the year again! In the past years, it became a tradition of this blog to use the run-up to Christmas Eve for – what we call – “Adventskalender”. Every day in December up to the 24th, we have a new treat for you in this blog, a little special gift for you, our beloved readers. It is the #AntitrustAdventCalendar! This year, we take you to a photo tour of…
Indeed, dear readers, there are a lot of news out there: The European Court supports the Commission in its quest against Google. The UK CMA tells Facebook to sell Giphy. The Bundeskartellamt, in a quite different dimension, opposed the acquisition of “Ostthüringer Zeitung”, a regional newspaper in the Gera/Jena area (while we are waiting for the first section 19a-decisions). The new German “traffic lights coalition” has ambitious plans for EU and German competition law reform, now under the direction of…
What a year! We are getting close to the end of 2020 (and some say: better so), but obviously, we still have our DECEMBER SPECIAL for you: the Antitrust Advent Calendar! To review the year in competition law, D’Kart asked personalities from the antitrust community all over the world to answer the following question: What has been the most significant competition law case or competition law development in your country in 2020? But we did not leave it at this….
Christmas trees are close to be lit, December cookies have to be eaten before being too hard, time for last minute gift shopping is running out, and the essential question for the antitrust lawyer is which merger case you still have to get through in 2019 or which damage claims you still have to file by the end of the month. This newsletter provides important information on this – it is most probably the last one this year. Before close…
Viele Menschen freuen sich auf Weihnachten, zumindest diejenigen, die nicht noch vor dem 31.12. die Steuern machen oder heiraten müssen. Kartellrechtler freuen sich auf den 1.12. Denn da startet der Antitrust Advent Calendar unseres Blogs. Bevor Sie nur noch dem jeweils nächsten Kläppchen entgegenfiebern, haben wir hier noch einmal SSNIPpets – unsere small, but significant news, information and pleasantries – our pet project (SSNIPpets)! Vor-… Das GWB wird schon wieder geändert! Aber der Reihe nach: Wettbewerbspolitik wird ja längst…