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Tag: Schweitzer

Heike Schweitzer – in memoriam

Heike Schweitzer – in memoriam

In the early hours of June 11, 2024, Heike Schweitzer died far too early at the age of just 56. It is a shock for the German and European antitrust community. Justus Haucap remembers an important colleague and good friend. Heike Schweitzer was something like the German voice in European competition law. With her death, we have lost a thinker of great intellect and, for many, a friend. Heike will be greatly missed. Werner Mussler writes today in the German…

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Next Level Competition Law: The Study that will serve as a basis for the reform of abusive practices in Germany (and Europe?)

Next Level Competition Law: The Study that will serve as a basis for the reform of abusive practices in Germany (and Europe?)

Germany is starting to prepare the next reform of its competition law. The first step in the process (expected to take up to two years) was to commission a study by renowned professors on the need to reform the norms on abusive practices. The study was presented to Peter Altmaier, Minister of Economic Affairs in Germany, on 4 September 2018. Rupprecht Podszun flipped through the 173 pages and gives a first impression of what lies ahead.   Whenever I think…

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