6: Philip Marsden from the UK

6: Philip Marsden from the UK

A key competition law development in the UK in 2020: In the UK, the CMA’s Digital Advertising Market Study offered a strong evidence-base for complementary pro-competitive ex ante regulation, as proposed by the Furman Report ‘Unlocking Digital Competition’. The Study also has an Advent List of Appendices, my favourites being Appendix T (Data Remedies) and Annex U (Code of Conduct). Half in the UK, and half in Germany: Rupprecht and I proposed further institutional changes to provide Sensible Rules, Effective Enforcement at the EU level!

A place to visit in the UK after the pandemic: Oxford. Where I live: absolutely beautiful, with inspiring architecture, countryside shire walks and runs, and theatre, music and art (my family have just opened a new art gallery – come enjoy!)

Philip Marsden is professor of law and economics at the College of Europe, Bruges; Deputy Chair, Bank of England Enforcement Decision Making Committee; and a case decisionmaker for several UK regulators.

Oxford in Oxfordshire, England