Day 6
Today, Bonn hosts the meeting of the Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht, the legendary association of German-speaking antitrust practitioners - it is a bit like a Taylor Swift Concert in terms of dimension and excitement. The practitioners also regularly engage in the regulatory process. During the Vestager era, they have been bustling away at opinion papers on the Commission’s consultations. But who exactly are „they“? Who are the most often mentioned contributors to the "Studienvereinigung-Stellungnahmen", as mentioned at the end of the respective document? We reveal the names, but you have to take a guess first which statement is true...
There is a woman at the top of the list and an economist on place 2.
4 out of the top 5 contributors are based in Düsseldorf.
Places 2-4 are held by lawyers from law firms with English names, but number 1 is from a small German boutique.
There is an Austrian lawyer on place 2, but no Swiss lawyer in the top 5.